Do we need to check the bags for the ‘Essential’ items and the ‘Not to be included’ items?
Yes. In the lead up to the collection period starting, we will be heavily promoting the list of essential items on our Facebook and Instagram pages. This in...
Tue, 6 Oct, 2020 at 2:14 PM
What are the ‘Essential’ items for each bag?
There are 7 essential items that every bag should contain: Shampoo Conditioner Toothbrush Toothpaste Soap/body wash Roll-on deodorant Period product...
Mon, 11 Sep, 2023 at 1:38 PM
What are “Prohibited” items, and must NOT be put in bags?
For a variety of reasons, bags must not contain: Razors or razor blades Other sharps such as scissors (Nail clippers and sewing kits are acceptable provi...
Tue, 20 Sep, 2022 at 3:07 PM
What do I do if I find razors/sharps, food, medications, or condoms in a bag when I am checking?
Remove these items from the bag, put them aside and pass them on to the charity separately.
Tue, 6 Oct, 2020 at 2:15 PM
What do I do if a bag is not in good condition?
Rule of thumb … if you would not give the bag to your best friend, then it is not suitable.  Please remove the items from the bag and discard the bag. T...
Tue, 6 Oct, 2020 at 2:16 PM
What do I do if a bag is in good condition but is missing one or more of the essential items?
You are welcome to post in your region group, asking if anyone has surplus of the items that you are missing. Someone nearby may have what you need, and you...
Tue, 20 Sep, 2022 at 3:15 PM
Do I need to buy products to top up items that are missing?
Please know we would never ask a Shero or Hero to spend their own money. You are already donating your time and that is so valuable. Thank you!  Please ...
Mon, 11 Sep, 2023 at 1:41 PM
I have picked up more bags than my allocated charity/charities require.
If you have collected more bags than is required by your charity/charities, you should place a post on your region Workplace group to see if anyone in your ...
Mon, 11 Sep, 2023 at 1:43 PM
I do not have enough bags to fulfil the entire charity request.
You are welcome to post in your region group, asking if anyone has surplus bags, or work together to meet the total charity request as a team. If unsure, yo...
Tue, 26 Sep, 2023 at 12:42 PM
My collection points from the March/August drives want to collect for IITB. Do I collect bags from them in addition to Bunnings?
Unfortunately not. The collection points that Sheroes will be collecting bags from are Bunnings stores. We are grateful to our Dignity Drive collection poin...
Tue, 6 Oct, 2020 at 2:19 PM