There are several places where you can get information and assistance:

  1. This FAQ site - if you are reading this article you have found our FAQ site! Please take some time to browse through some of the articles.
  2. The Shero Portal - this is an App that can be downloaded on Apple and Android mobile devices, go to your relevant App store to download.  This App contains useful information and forms to complete at the end of a shift. It is free to Download.
  3. Workplace - Look out for posts on how to sign-up to a shift!  This is also a good place to reach out to other Sheroes / Heroes, your Queens and Team Leader.

Please also note:

  • Each collection point is part of a specific Region.
  • You can request to join another region if this is where you want to help with collections, you can do this by searching the region on Workplace and requesting to join.