If you are having difficulties with the Shero Portal and getting it to load. We suggest you try these potential solutions:
- Check that your your phone operating system is up-to-date. The Shero Portal requires your phone operating system to be on the most recent update. Please check that your phone or tablet is up-to-date before proceeding further. Some older phones and tablets are not able to update to the latest operating system and unfortunately the Shero Portal may not work. However you can still access everything from the Portal through the pinned post in your region page. Just ask your Queen team for assistance.
- You can try deleting the app from your device and re-loading it. If this does not help you will need to use a different device or log on from the link on the pinned post in your region area.
- If you are having problems with the app and have followed all of the above suggestions, you may log your issue on the Shero Portal User Issues form